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Stoneware and sculptural firm „TOMAS HALA“

I invite you on the pages of the stoneware and sculptural firm „TOMAS HALA KAMENOSOCHARSTVI“.

This firm has worked on the market since 1990 and step by step has extended production and by the way customers potential. The firm is interested in import and processing of sandstone, granite and marble not only from our country. Our product spectrum is very rich. It means not only production and delivering of simple pavements, but also complete projects to your order.

Our firm sells desks and semiproducts for next processing by other stoneware firms. We have about 130 stone types from the whole world on the stock and we can supply other types of stone for order. We offer short delivery terms, competitive prices, personal and professional approach to customer needs. We recommend you to visit our web-sites. In that case you find out lots of photos of already realized projects and the actual material list.

Thank you for your interest and have a good day. Tomas Hala


Tomas Hala Kamenosocharstvi
Čsl. armády 817
508 01 Hořice
Czech Republic
Tel./fax: +420 435 621 554
GSM: +420 603 879 692
GSM: +420 777 879 692
Email: hala@kamen-hala.cz
Workroom - Janakova Street

Where you can find us - Janakova Street

Please click on the image to view large map.

Map of the city Hořice

To see original map click on the following link - www.mapy.cz


Kontaktní údaje

Kamenosochařství Tomáš Hála

Čsl. armády 817

508 01 Hořice

Tel./fax: +420 493 621 554

Mobil: +420 777 879 692

Email: hala@kamen-hala.cz

Kamenosochařství Tomáš Hála

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